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Kaitlyn Ferguson

Kaitlyn Ferguson laying on Jimmy John's neck, wearing a mini flower dress

Kaitlyn Ferguson & her very goofy boy, Jimmy John (A Good Made Machine). Kaitlyn and Jimmy ride under the guidance of Anthony Wilson with Wilson Show Horses in Battle Ground, WA. I had an absolute blast with them & all our helpers for the day (Kaitlyn's mom Jennifer, Anthony, and Kylee)! I took photos of Kaitlyn and Jimmy last year at the Star Spangled Classic Paint show and had so much fun with them then, I knew Kaitlyn's senior portraits would be no different. Scroll all the way to the bottom for some good freakin bloopers!

Kaitlyn's hands wrapped around Jimmy's neck, hugging him
Kaitlyn sitting on Jimmy John bareback, wearing a dress and sandals, looking down at him
Kaitlyn sitting on Jimmy John bareback in a dress, petting him on the neck
Kaitlyn and Jimmy John, a headshot
Kaitlyn sitting in a flower field looking up at her paint horse, Jimmy John
Kaitlyn hugging Jimmy John's neck
A black background portrait of Paint Horse, Jimmy John


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